A troll or monster known as Kaumhasura, wanted to get a boon from God Shiva, that, he should not get death from any living being. To disable him from asking the boon Vagdevi makes him dumb. Accordingly he became Mookasura or Dumb troll. Due to this, Mookaasura became furious and wanted to take revenge against the Gods. The Gods could not withstand the trouble imparted by him and sought refuge from Devi. In response the Devi had integrated the powers of the Trimurthis and all the Gods into her to put the Mookasura to death and after that, assimilated into the Linga and now exists known as Mookambike and protects her devotees The supremacy of the Kollur Kshethram is described in the Skanda Puranam which has the legendary background of Kollur. Since Kola Maharshi had meditated in the Khshethra, which was named as Kolapura. Today it is known as Kollur. Kola Maharshi was fascinated to see a Cow pouring milk onto a linga from her udder. Then he started to worship the linga. Since we can see the symbol of the hoof of the cow on the Linga, it shows that the linga has got the godly powers. The architecture of the Kollur Temple belongs to the Keladi period. Recently the Temple was renovated. The Sanctum Sanctorum which is in a Quadrangular shape has a tower known as Vimana Gopura which is in the Dravidian Architecture. The tower of the sanctum sanctorum is covered by gold donated by local king centuries ago. Around the sanctum sanctorum of goddess Devi, we can see the retinue deities like Subrahmanya, Dashabhuja Ganapathi, Anjaneya, Chandramouleeshwara, and Gopalakrishna. The statue of Mookambike is very attractive and has four arms The upper two arms are holding Shankha and Chakra and the palms of the lower two arms are held as blessing the devotees with the Abhaya and Varada Hastha .